People say they have a business proposal, like it’s an idea for a life lasting marriage. It’s a relationship. My idea is the relationship to the earth and the elements. It is sustainable, as in self-supporting and hopefully some profit or cushion, but mostly sustainable in the way we talk about nature, meaning, supporting all life on earth. I have recently gained access to 80 acres of woodsy landscape, that i have known since i was young, and used to walk with my grandmother. That is a different blog post. This one is about nettles, and plastic.
I decided to start this blog for putting my thoughts and story out “there”, in the sharing place, so that more people can hopefully be inspired and benefit. One part of my story is that i find plastic to be against nature and as most people agree but feel powerless against, it’s a problem. The whole wellness culture and its reliance on plastic packaging I find very controversial and very paradoxical.
I was in Madison over the holiday, and i went to one of my favorite coops and i saw some dried stinging nettles from one of my favorite online herbal companies for sale for about $10, it was for 4 oz of dried nettles and the plastic package probably weighed 4 oz as well. It was likely recyclable plastic, but we have all read about the truth of recycled plastic, there aren't enough people for that much polyester. Sustainability is basically about using less, getting it where you can get it without trucks and packages, turning off the lights when it is dark out. (oh i just thought of another post - about fir tea instead of Florida oranges).
I am so excited to offer plant life and medicine making and foraging, into glass or recycled and reused things. I am going to make a point for this land place, that people bring their own containers, and that i will collect and reuse brown glass. So save those tincture bottles for me, for you, to use there.
Right now please mark your calendar, because i have more than 2 acres of nettles, and I would love to offer a community nettle gathering day this spring. The tops are perfect for pesto, for frittatas, for drying, for making salve. Many people know the beauty of the tea, as a kidney cleanse or for its bioavailable calcium, (which is higher than spinach!) but many people may not know the beauty fun and best way to pick, so we can do it together! There are some areas that nettles can be moved off, so get your bare root beauties too! Please email me at to be notified for the event, it will likely be in mid May.
Getting stung by a nettle is memorable, it brushes softly, then a pause, then the sting creeps in spreads to demand all your interest. Going away just as quickly as it came, the sensation leaves an impression on you, the imprint of a relationship.